Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Life isn't perfect and not always fair. I feel like a few things aren't going my way in life and it's starting to bum me out. I am trying to keep my head up and remind myself that it will all work out the way its suppose to. I am having a hard time not letting it affect my attitude which is showing with friends. I feel like I need to escape and find some cheer. My 30th birthday is next month so maybe a getaway with the husband will be in the cards...


Anonymous said...

Life can be a real jerk sometimes. Especially when you want something so bad and it just doesn't work out. But eventually it all does. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Chin up, girl :)

Caitlin said...

Life really is unfair so many times in life. But, I bet you're just going through a phase and soon you will feel better! Sending you warm thoughts!

This too shall pass :)

Laurie @ Stylin Savanna said...

I really think a lot of us feel this way this time of year and it flat out SUCKS. I have a serious case of SAD and I need to get away to somewhere bright, warm and SUNNY ASAP!!

Stormy said...

Hugs to you my love! Maybe you need a visit from some Wisconsinites to cheer you up?!?! I'd say you could take a birthday get away here but it's still freaking cold! Ugh!

Leigh said...

Keep your chin up and keep smiling! Things will get better :) Where would you go with your husband for a birthday getaway?

Kenzie Smith said...

I know this feeling all too well, just keep your head up! It'll all work out in the end :)
Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog:
http://www.mylifeandlemons.com/2014/02/the-liebster-award.html ♥

J and A said...

You know that I know how you feel. It sucks. Hang in there. Never lose hope. I'm always here if you need to vent or chat!! Get away on a little trip for sure!! xo