Monday, February 7, 2011

3 days

Until my last day!
I just got the call that the job is officially mine. Finally I can relax!! I am so excited!!
If you haven't yet, enter my giveaway!!

This weekend was pretty good... we went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory on Friday night. We had pretty lousy service but the manager said she was going to send us a gift card because she felt pretty bad for us. Of course we ended the evening with cheesecake...

Saturday was low key, we went and saw the movie 'No Strings Attached'. It was pretty good... I could have waited to see it on dvd...
Yesterday we watched the Superbowl at a friends house, it was also low key so I felt weird snapping pix...

Monday night = the Bachelor :)


Lindsay said...

congrats on the new job girl!

Leigh said...

So exciting about your new job :)

Sole Matters said...

congrats!!! yummmy cheesecake factory!!

Anonymous said...

I just came across your blog and I can't wait to read more. I have never been to the Cheesecake Factory even though we have one here. I have just never been a huge fan of cheesecake.

Katie said...

Congrats on the job girl! We saw No Strings Attached this weekend too..I loved it!!

PS I gave you an award on my blog today! Check it out :)

Carol {Everyday Delights} said...

Woohoo!! Wonderful news, so happy for you!