Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Letter's

Husband: thank you for doing our taxes. I hope we did them right! :p

Madison and Caden: I already miss you!

Work: it was realllllly nice only working one day this week!

Frappy: You really are my true soul mate pup. 

Anxiety: is thru the roof

Big Bear: Please be fun!

Sun: Where are you??

Happy weekend to y'all!


Becky said...

Ohhh another dog sounds exciting!! :) We got a second one when our first one turned 10. He's still adjusting a little but I think they're becoming good dog friends! haha

J and A said...

I want to the sun too!! I hope your anxiety goes away and you have a great weekend!! YAY for hubby's who do taxes! :)

lori said...

im sorry you're having anxiety! hope that you are able to have a great, relaxing weekend! :)