Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Twisted Tuesday

Well I spent yesterday pretty much sleeping the day away since Frappy was up most the night with a upset stomach.
I worked a little over time last night and I am looking forward to my free day today.

I finally finished my King's jersey, bedazzling is a lot of work!
I wanted to share this cute print I ordered for a friend, you can get yours here
It is also Dispatcher Appreciation week across the country, we honored our fellow co worker with this locket. I am blessed to have this career, thru the crazy ups and downs, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Lastly, Origami Owl is coming out with new stuff! I can't wait for this black locket! Let me know if I can help you create a locket! Check it out here


J and A said...

Hope Frappy is better!! Enjoy your day and cute locket!!

Unknown said...

Super cute jersey :) And I hope Frappy stomach is feeling better!