Thursday, July 11, 2013

Couch to 5k...

Let's be real...
I am not a runner...I am not one to love the outdoors... I have been off the fitness wagon for way to long now. 

Enter: the Color Run

And I am the team leader, this was my crazy idea! Ha

So I downloaded the Couch to 5k app on my iPhone, and yesterday was day 1.

Not gonna lie, it wasn't my favorite thing I did yesterday. But I really hope I can keep it up and actually do a 5k with my friends!

Now to catch up on the blog world!


Becky said...

I did the color run last year and it was SO fun! I think you'll have a great time doing it :)

J and A said...

You can do this! Our color run was canceled due to the floods - I was so excited for it! HAVE FUN!!

The Conway's said...

Skinny mini and you don't exercise...totally jealous!

Leigh said...

You can do it!! Just keep with it and I promise that it gets better :) I really hope you tied your hair back though....haha just a pet peeve of mine about running :)

Stormy said...

I TOTALLY want to do a color run! They look like so much fun! Someday I'll jump on that work out train...someday!

Kristin said...

I have been wanting to do a 5K for's on my bucketlist! but i stopped working out for 5 months while life got crazy and now am back at it. good luck with your training! :)

lori said...

we tried the couch to 5k in january... which was a bad decision. it was freezing and we only lasted a couple of weeks... but i'm hoping to try it again! i am sure you will do great and have so much fun at the color run!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's awesome that you're going for it!