Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Do you Believe?

I am assuming most of you have seen the show, Long Island Medium. Every single time I watch, I usually bawl my eyes out and long to connect with my mom.
I did a local search for "Medium's" in my county, and found 2. The first one I called, I just didn't feel "good" about her/the situation. She proceeded to say, who is the young male stepping forward... ummm... ??!! no idea... so I said I would call her back (never).
I called the next one, she was very nice and had a lot of reviews and I decided to just go for it. I told my husband, who is a total skeptic, and off I went the following morning.
I am still trying to process everything that was said. I have only told 2 people about it. It was such a crazy experience, that I almost don't like talking about it. I haven't decided if it was legit. I want to believe so bad that it was. I have longed to have some sort of connection with my mom as it has been 14 years without her.
As I continue to absorb all that was said, I will definitely share my experience soon.
This is the necklace that my mom wore for years, I brought it with me the day of (in my pocket) and she (the medium) knew that I had it....


The Conway's said...

Love that you took your mom's necklace.
I hope you feel like sharing details...I'd love to hear!

J and A said...

That's amazing. I have a friend who lovvs seeing one.

Becky said...

I love that show. I'm a total believer when I watch it and cry too! I'd be interested to see how your experience if you choose to share!

Anonymous said...

I've only watched that show a few times, but it gives me goosebumps. I want so badly to believe it's all true.

That is a beautiful necklace, by the way :)

Unknown said...

Oh wow. I can't help but believe when I watch that show. I'd love to know more about your experience. My coworker had an amazing one, and it was hard to refute.

Unknown said...

I do love that necklace as well!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I want to hear all about this!! I totally believe that things like this can happen for the right people and in the right setting!

Megan Ashley said...

Really looking forward to reading about your experience...I too lost my mother and have always wanted to try this!