Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Car Problemos

So I dropped my car off yesterday at the dealership because every time I start the car, a weird sound happens. Ever try to start your car when its already on? That is like the sound...
So they said they tried starting the car 30+ times and never got it to make the sound.
I went and picked it up at 5:30 and I started the car and it made the sound. I turned it off and on again and it did the sound again. Hmmm... they had it from 7:30am til 5:30pm...
Anyways, I took my car and I will take it else where. I think I need a new starter...
I really don't enjoy car problems near Christmas... plus I bought my car in the month of December so my registration is due soon too. Yuck

I gotta pack tonight because tomorrow we are off to Arizona for Thanksgiving.


Jessica said...

don't you hate that!! I swear that always happens to me too. I will hear weird noises from my car and the minute I bring my dad out to hear it, it will stop! Hope you get things fixed with it.
And have a great Thanksgiving Break!!

Anonymous said...

I work in a car shop, and that definitely sounds like your starter. There's probably a bad spot in it. They should have known that from your description. Good luck & have a great Thanksgiving!

Leigh said...

I hate it when that happens! It always does though as soon as there is something wrong with it and you bring it in.

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!