Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Where's the milk?!

I have a very strict routine I follow every morning... shower, cereal, blow dry hair, get dressed, out the door. Well I got my cereal ready, went to grab for the milk, and the milk was gone. The night before I had the bf pour me some milk and I knew we had a whole gallon so I knew it wasn't just empty. I started opening different cabinets and then proceeded to wake the bf up to ask where the milk was. He got up and kept starring in the fridge. Hello! I have already looked in there! So then he looks to the cabinet where we keep our drinking glasses, lo and behold...


Kristen said...

Hee hee... I would totally do something like that. I've found textbooks in the freezer before, randoms in the pantry... sigh.

Shandell said...

this is hilarious!

love jenny xoxo said...

lol that is too funny!!

californiadreamin said...

ah haha! I have done that before, that's funny

Jessica said...

haha that is so funny!!

C Mae said...

is it safe to say that the milk is bad!? heheh

Miss V said...

laughing soooo hard right now!! I made pasta tonight and I did the same thing staring into my fridge.. thinking where is the sauce I just used it last night to make dinner.. lo and behold I put an already opened jar of sauce back in the cupboard..gross.

Leigh said...

Haha that's hilarious! Thanks for the comment on my blog :)